“If we have inner peace then our natural light and beauty will really shine out… we can develop an inner peace smile… We can all become peace messengers, to spread the peace message everywhere in the world.”
— Lama Gangchen
Lama Gangchen was born in Western Tibet in 1941. At the age of four he was recognized as the reincarnation of a long and uninterrupted lineage of Lama healers and tantric masters. In Tibet he received the philosophical and spiritual education transmitted to reincarnated Lamas and the titles qualifying them as holders of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition and as healers.
In 1981 Lama Gangchen visited Europe for the first time. Since 1982, he traveled extensively healing and teaching in Europe, Asia and the Americas and established many centres world-wide.
Lama Gangchen lived in the West for four decades, tirelessly working to create a reciprocal exchange between the East and West and for the preservation of ancient cultural and spiritual traditions, as well as for humanitarian aid dedicated to those less fortunate. He worked as a peace messenger traveling thousands of miles each year from the East to the West to spread his message of inner peace and non violence, and the urgently needed values to create a more enlightened and humanistic society. He has been called the Lama Marco Polo from the East.
In 1992, Lama Gangchen founded the Lama Gangchen World Peace Foundation, a United Nations affiliated Non Government Organization — ECOSOC, which is dedicated to humanitarian services. The foundation has numerous branch organizations world-wide.
Since his arrival in the West, Lama Gangchen dedicated his activities for the promotion of World Peace and received innumerable invitations world-wide to participate in conferences and events for inter-religious dialogue, environmental care, peace education, traditional medical cures, psychology and other fields. He received numerous international recognitions for his work.
He promoted inter-religious dialogue and inter-cultural exchange for overcoming national, racial and religious differences for international friendship and global harmony through the proposal for a “United National Spiritual Forum for World Peace”.
Lama Gangchen met with prominent personalities such as heads of state, ministers, religious leaders and celebrities, to name just a few: H.H. The Pope John Paul II, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, The Secretary General of the United Nations Mr. Boutros Boutros Ghali and Mr Kofi Annan and so many others.
T.Y.S. Lama Gangchen published numerous books dedicated to spiritual research. In particular, he taught the NgalSo Tantric Self-Healing practice, which is based on the traditional Vajrayana Buddhists methods to help us reconnect with our innermost pure self-healing energies and thus to cultivate inner peace and harmony. He also produced countless audio and visual material to spread the message of peace.
The Albagnano Healing Meditation Centre became the home and principal centre for Lama Gangchen activities.
Lama Gangchen left his body on April 18, 2020. Though we miss him dearly, his teachings continue through his own writings and videos, as well as through those who have taken up the task to continue his mission of world peace, in particular his successors Lama Michelle and Lama Caroline.
He will always be remembered for his warm-hearted openness, his untiring attention to anyone who sought his help and advice, his kind-heartedness, and for the rainbows that seemed to magically appear around him wherever he was in the world. Still to this day, rainbows appear when he is held in someone’s thoughts.