“Don’t hurry, you don’t win anything if you hurry. You don’t win happiness. The goal is serenity, not happiness” — Franco Ceccerelli
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Today, we have the pleasure of hosting Franco Ceccarelli, a long-time sponsor and supporter of Lama Gangchen’s humanitarian projects and Dharma centers worldwide.
Originally from Milan, Franco graduated with a degree in economics and embarked on a successful entrepreneurial career. In 1987, he met Lama Gangchen and developed a profound connection with him that continued for over 30 years.
Franco went on to travel extensively with Lama Gangchen, supporting his projects and playing a vital role in establishing many Dharma centers. Currently serving as the president of Lama Gangchen’s Culture of Peace Foundation in Italy, Franco brings a very unique perspective shaped by his close friendship with Lama Gangchen.
In the resonant echoes of singing bowls,
A symphony of peace unfolds.
Vibrations ripple through the air,
Guiding souls on a journey of care.
With harmonious tones and gentle sway,
The power of sound lights the way.
In stillness, we find our inner core,
A serenade of serenity forevermore.
We hope you enjoyed our conversation with Franco Ceccarelli, where he shared his extraordinary experiences and witnessed miracles with Lama Gangchen.
His stories of healings and the pursuit of serenity remind us of the transformative power of the spiritual path. Franco’s dedication to promoting peace and compassion through sponsoring Lama Gangchen’s projects inspires us to make a positive impact in our own lives and communities.
To explore more of Lama Gangchen’s teachings, visit:
Here you can find our books, YouTube streaming channel, CD’s, retreat centers and further resources.
TUNE into the next episode of Life with a Lama Healer, to hear more truly remarkable conversations about the life and times of Lama Gangchen Rinpoche.
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We may include it in an upcoming episode of Life with a Lama